Meet Your Bodybinds Bloggers: Lisa of PoleDancing Professor
This week we're interrupting our regularly scheduled program to introduce you to our Bodybinds Bloggers. Some voices you have come to know over the past few months and others are...
Meet Your Bodybinds Bloggers: Tinie of DanceTinyFox
This week we're interrupting our regularly scheduled program to introduce you to our Bodybinds Bloggers. Some voices you have come to know over the past few months and others are...
#BBxML Stassi Clutch Launch | Press Event Recap
On Thursday May 8th, 2014 Bodybinds and Marylai hosted their first collaborative fashion launch event to celebrate the "Stassi" clutch inspired by Bravo TV's Stassi Schroeder at the swanky and...
On Wanting More and the 4 Ways I Found It
Photo Credit: Bhumika Bhatia "I want more." That is what I told him. Him being my ex. When I told him, "I want more," he wasn't an ex. He was...
NonSense - Succulent Prompts for Experiencing Each Day
Photo Credit: Elena Gatti I sat in the dark room, eagerly anticipating the show. The music started softly but quickly built into a crescendo of notes filling my ears. It seemed that she...
2 Tips for Workout-Proof Nail Art
A perfect manicure and pole dance don't mix, it's a tough lesson to learn when your obsession for nail art runs deep! Sure you can drop some serious cash on...
What Your Workout Wear Says About You!
Zumba Power by Thomas Gierke on 500px Whether you are rocking neon and spandex or just happy the tank you threw on was clean, what you wear to workout says...
Sexy Superfoods For An Amazing Date Night
"When I think about sexy foods, my mind goes straight to the land of indulgence. Chocolate covered strawberries, whipped cream, a slow drizzle of honey ... you know what I'm...
Diet Tips for Performance Days
I love food. And I don't discriminate; I love my healthy spinach smoothies and indulgent chocolate ice-cream equally. But before I started pole dancing, I never really paid attention to...
Granny Panties and Lace Bras
I wouldn't say the women had on granny panties, but during my first few months of pole and sensual movement class, I saw a lot of plain jane nude colored...
Damn, I'm Sexy! | Body Love Affirmation
Modesty is overrated. Women spend far too much time apologizing for their bodies, explaining away genuine compliments, and not celebrating their gorgeous, sexy selves. I am a firm believer in...
Why Pole Makes you Sexy (Even when you’re not Trying to Be)
Photo Credit: NFG Photo. Creative Commons Photo License  Within the pole community, we often try to force the dichotomy of sexy vs. non-sexy. There are so many different styles of...