What's the opposite of a phallic symbol?
Swords and guns, skyscrapers and obelisks, cars and cigars. Poles. Freudian wisdom suggests that we are surrounded by phallic symbols—especially things that men love to buy and show off. "Silly men and their penises. Women would never be so symbolically sexual." Scoff! How many handbags do you have in your closet?? Why do you think a lot of women are into purses and men aren’t? Mm-hmm.
Purses are the opposite of a phallic symbol.
"Opposite of a phallic symbol." Already we hit the roadblock in the conversation where we don’t know what to call a lady version of a phallic symbol.
Yonic Symbols
A “yonic” symbol would be the academic term, but I find it telling that this word has never entered into the vernacular, even though every teenager knows the word “phallic.” And yet vagina symbols obviously exist, and women display them as readily as men do—not only in their beloved designer handbags, but in the lip gloss they apply (widely understood to represent moist labia). Even shoes, I would argue, are yonic symbols. Sure, the heel can be phallic, but most of a shoe is a cozy enveloping hole where you insert your (kind of phallic) foot.
My favorite takeaway
Next time you are at the mall, considering buying yet another shiny new handbag, whip out your yonic wallet (yep, there’s another one) and yell, “F you, patriarchy! More vaginas!! More vaginas for EVERYONE!!!!!”
Meh, it won’t close the pay gap. It won’t elect a female president or crack the glass ceiling. But hey—I don’t know about you, but I could always use an excuse to buy a new purse!
Pippi Parnasse is a poler, #PDBloggers member and writer in the Boston area. She has over 10 years of experience both in pole and in writing professionally.