BB x ART is a program that showcases artists by way of using Bodybinds as inspiration. Our mission is to provide an open space for artists to create and experiement, while exposing them to new eyes.
We are so excited to present to you our very first artist, Johnny Panessa. You can check his work out here: BB x ART | Johnny Panessa or by waving your mouse over the navigation bar up top until the sub-menu appears with BB x ART | Johnny Panessa. You should also take a look at his site: More about the concept, inspiration and what we think about Johnny coming soon!
The Bodybinds Team
Want to collaborate? Tell us a little bit about yourself and let's make some ART! Send an email to What? Photography is not your medium? Who said we're limiting it to photography? This program is meant to showcase ALL artists in ALL mediums. SO send an email to Thank you for your interest!